Reality Stone Cocktail: New Marvel Endgame Cocktail Recipe
What do you get when you use fresh cherries, coconut water, mint, limes and coconut rum? My new Reality Stone Cocktail, a Marvel Endgame cocktail recipe!

First, thanks to Marvel for sending me the movie and Melissa’s Produce for sending me the fresh ingredients to use in my cocktail recipe! I had a lot of fun creating this recipe. Recipe development is frequently an experiment but when I am creating a cocktail recipe, it’s pretty rough work, but someone has to do it, right?
In honor of the upcoming Blu-ray release of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame on August 13, I call my fun and refreshing cocktail a Reality Stone Cocktail. It’s a play on cherry being a stone fruit, and since it’s summer, I wanted a cocktail that is light, fruity and unique. I think this cherry-coconut version of a mojito pulls it off!
Melissa’s Produce offers a lot of wonderful produce that can be used in so many ways, and some of my favorites are their different versions of coconut water. Not only is it good for you in a natural electrolyte kind of way, but it’s tasty and can be used in so many ways. My sons love to drink them straight up!

Cherries have a wonderful flavor but with their pits, they can be discouraging to use because of the mess factor involved with removing the pits. There are a number of ways shared on the internet to remove the pits more easily but this cocktail recipe only uses four cherries per drink, so I just dove in and chopped. Cherries are so beautiful, it’s great to have one more way to use them.

You can wear gloves but I did it so quickly, I honestly didn’t have any problem with the juice staining my hands. You will want to rinse your cutting board and other utensils immediately afterwards though.

A typical mojito is mostly mint, lime and rum, and it’s one of my favorite drinks. I changed it up for this cocktail, using coconut rum to play off the coconut water a little more and I used mint simple syrup to increase the mint infusion. It’s so easy to do! Combine 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water and a handful of fresh mint leaves in a small sauce pan. Bring to a simmer, let it go for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then let it cool naturally. Strain and store in the refrigerator for use within the next couple of weeks or so. (I have kept mine longer without issue but store to your personal comfort level. If anything, my flavor just gets a little stronger.

If you don’t have fresh limes, you can use lime juice from the bottle. No need to rush out to the store if you don’t have any. Make sure your club soda is fizzy though and not at all stale.
Reality Stone Cocktail
This is a fun and unique take on a typical mojito.
- 8 cherries, chopped and pitted
- 1.5 ounce mint simple syrup
- fresh mint leaves, to taste
- 2 ounces lime juice
- 4 ounces coconut rum
- 3 ounces coconut water
- club soda to top off
Place chopped cherries, mint simple syrup and mint leaves in a cocktail shaker. Muddle completely.
Fill halfway with ice.
Add in lime juice, rum and coconut water.
Shake until ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Pour into two rocks glasses (or a Marvel gauntlet mug, for fun), both filled halfway with ice.
Top with club soda and if you want, a sprig of fresh mint.

This cocktail is not heavy on the alcohol, so if you want it stronger, feel free to add more rum. I didn’t strain mine, so some chopped cherries will get into the drink. If you want more chunks, add a few more to each individual glass. All depends on your preference!

Also, another variation is to crack open a whole coconut and smash some of the fresh coconut in the muddle portion of the drink. You can also chop some of it and muddle it into the bottom of your cocktail glass/mug before you prepare the rest of the drink. It ups the coconut flavor a little while giving some additional texture to the drink, if that’s your preference. (I tried one this way and it was fabulous!)
Marvel’s Endgame is out for digital download now, and will be available for purchase on Blu-ray and DVD on August 13. The latest addition the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s the finale of the Avengers as we know them, and it’s an amazing movie. Three hours long, plan on a mid-movie break to refill your cocktail and use the restroom. The movie will have you in suspense and your emotions will be all over the map. And don’t forget to stock up on the tissues. We’re having another movie night to watch it again this weekend, and I’m already planning the snacks. The Reality Stone Cocktail can be made without the alcohol, too, so it can be a fun party beverage for the whole family if you want it to be a mocktail instead. (And if you don’t want to use Marvel mugs, traditional copper mojito mugs are the second-best way to serve them! They stay so cold.)
Enjoy my newest Marvel cocktail and let me know what you think! I did this cocktail recipe creation as part of our blogger challenge, where four of us use the same products and make our own version of a treat. Check out what my friend, Marta, made! (I’ll have more links for you later!)