New Mandalorian Trailer for Disney Plus Streaming
In just two short weeks, the new Disney+ subscription program will start, and with it, we’ll see the Mandalorian. It’s the long-awaited series about another warrior in the Star Wars universe. Below, you can find the new Mandalorian trailer in advance of the upcoming Disney Plus streaming.
So, if you’re not fully up on what’s new in the Star Wars world, here’s a quick recap of this new and exciting series.
After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. “The Mandalorian” is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. We follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.
The cast of the Mandolorian includes Nick Nolte, Gina Carano, Nick Nolte, Carl Weathers and Werner Herzog, for starters. Directed (and written) by Jon Favreau, Taika Waititi and a few others, it’s sure to be a fun and dramatic continuance of the Star Wars franchise but via a TV series available to everyone for one low price per month.

Have you subscribed to Disney Plus yet? You can get in on the action by purchasing your subscription on the Disney+ website, where rates start as low as $6.99 – unless you scored on one of the amazing special deals. (I got a three-year subscription at this year’s D23 Expo, paying only $149!) You can also see what else is going to be streaming on Disney Plus both immediately at the beginning and over the next year.
But back to the warrior from Mandalore…
Head over to the Star Wars site for more information on the new series, as well as links to watch all the available trailers as well as to download images.
I got my first glimpse of the Mandalorian series at the 2019 D23 Expo and the crowd literally went wild. People were standing, cheering and yelling…and considering the other big names that had graced the stage during the three days, that’s saying a lot. (Thanks to Disney for the invite to the expo. I have amazing memories of three days surrounded by others who love Disney and Marvel as much as me! You can read more about my visit here!)

Bring on the new Mandalorian series on Disney Plus streaming in just two weeks! And don’t forget to watch the new Mandalorian trailer first. You’ll be hooked.