It’s About to Get Real with Del Real Foods

This past Saturday, I was invited to the home of the Cardenas family, in the foothills overlooking the Inland Valley, for a media fiesta. The food, the setting, the people – it was perfect!  I was treated to a day of food and entertainment by Del Real and not required to write a post, but I wanted to, and the opinions are my own!

del real foods truck

Del Real Foods will sound familiar to a lot of you, and that’s because you might see it in CostCo or you shop at one of the Cardenas grocery stores. (We’ve been a fan of their carnitas forever now; one of those packages and some steamed corn tortillas is often a meal here on a busy night!)

For a store locator and to check out their products, check out the Del Real Foods website. Not only will you see all the items that they offer to help you get a healthy and delicious meal on the table quickly, but you’ll find recipes for authentic meals to make from scratch. My kind of company – I can trust their food to be good for us, affordable and they share some secret recipes!

We also got to observe a panel of chefs willing to share their favorite foods, their thoughts on food and social media and just general food tips overall. What a great way to cap off a day! I am so lucky to be able to meld my two favorite things together: food and social media, and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way after listening to them all talk.

del real foods panelChef Gina, Tony Spatafora, Aaron Perez, and my apologies, I don’t know his full name, just his Twitter handle, @LatinoFoodie

I took far too many photos to share them all here, as I wandered their gorgeous property, listening to the mariachi music, but I’m sharing a selection of some that most highlight the experience.

mariachi bandMariachi music!

del real chefsChefs Glenda Galvan-Garcia and Gina Galvan

Thank you, Del Real Foods and Cardenas family, for allowing us to taste your wonderful food and attend a great early Cinco de Mayo party! I was fortunate to meet a lot of other bloggers as well as Del Real Foods family members and the Chef who created the items that the Lucho team was creating on-site for us. As a non-red-meat eater, I was so happy that they accommodated everyone’s needs so graciously, making us vegetarian options. I never had an empty plate or glass the entire day!

lemonade with chia seedsThis was a first for me: lemonade with chia seeds, but it was so refreshing!

pina horchata melon drinksAnd so were these three delicious drinks: pina, horchata and melon. Perfect for a hot day!

del real foodsCeviche!

sliderThis delicious pork slider with a slaw and toasted bun: YUM.

cheese tomalPanko-crusted cheese tamale…I could have eaten ten.

pupusaMy first pupusa ever – so good!

Lucho crewThese guys were so great! Not only did they make fantastic food, but they were picture-ready!

lucho libreNo words necessary!

dessertsI was too full to partake, but look at just a portion of their dessert table.


It’s about to get real! You can find them on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

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  1. Your meats is fantastic. .the pulled pork..omg…cant find it anywhere in long island new York. .im puerto rican and the pernil was me find a place in long island that sells your product….help…

  2. Your meats is fantastic. .the pulled pork..omg…cant find it anywhere in long island new York. .im puerto rican and the pernil was me find a place in long island that sells your product….help…

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