Using the Mighty Health App for Exercise, Nutrition and Holistic Wellness
With age comes wisdom, right? But it also brings things like joints that creak and pop, a slowing metabolism and your back reminding you that you’re not 25 anymore. Working out can take more effort, and losing weight isn’t as easy as cutting back on the carbs for a couple of weeks. Add in health issues, you’re facing even more challenges in reaching your wellness and weight loss goals. This is where the Mighty Health app comes in.

When Mighty Health reached out to me to work on a collaboration for the app, I was intrigued. I’m not one who tells people my age. “Age is just a number” is a mantra…but I also say “life is short” all the time. The two can be contradictory, and I’ve had to finally start being okay with calling myself ‘midlife.’ I mean, I’ve got four young adult children and two grand babies.
Until my RA diagnosis last year, I was riding my Bowflex bike 4-5 days a week for 10-15 miles a ride. We hiked the local mountains. I would trek long walks at Disney and NASCAR races and didn’t let anything get in the way. I also was starting to deal with back aches, weight being harder to take off than prior, and my grey hairs were getting more stubborn to take color. It was time to admit, without embarrassment, that I’m midlife.
I’ve been getting AARP mailers for years, but once I came to terms with my age being a thing to celebrate, not hide, I opened one. Oh the discounts available! It’s not even a money thing, but I will always be happy to save money when I can. I also like the idea of being part of a group of people that are dealing with similar issues, and we midlife people aren’t ones to be messed with.
The Mighty Health app is focused on helping you find your own personalized path to health and wellness, utilizing workout options, educational articles and online webinars, motivational quotes, a food log and so much more. You choose the tracks you like – lessons, workouts, etc. — and the app customizes each day’s goals for you. Sign in to your Mighty Health app, and your Mighty Health day appears before you. Click on each goal individually throughout your day, and when you’ve completed them all, it counts as another Might Day, which goes towards your Achievement badges.

The app also syncs with your phone’s health app to track your steps, if you choose to allow it. Do weight check-ins to help follow your weight loss or gain.
Cool Features of the Mighty Health App
I really like the motivational badges — it’s great to see them add up, and if they aren’t increasing, then I can see the areas in which I need to improve. Like steps. With RA, there are ‘flares,’ where joint pain, discomfort or exhaustion is worse. On these days, I don’t walk as much. It’s something I very much need to work on, and the Mighty Health app helps keep me honest.
The food log is another real bonus. It utilizes a color coding system: green (eat a lot of), yellow (eat in moderation, as it’s not great for you) and red (avoid if possible). Once you’ve entered enough into the app, it will give you important data about your diet and where you can make recommended nutritional changes.
But my favorite part? My personal Might App health coach. She texts me to check-in. Asks me how I’m doing. Provides me motivation and answers…and it’s a real person. She emailed me a incredibly thorough nutritional guide. She provides answers that I need, when I need them…and without me feeling compelled to do anything that I don’t want to do. It’s ideal.
The app also offers a Community tab, where you can meet others with similar goals, share recipes and ideas, talk about your successes and challenges, just like you’re talking with someone on social media but with the trust knowing that you’re really only speaking with people who are in it like you are. That’s a great feeling!
As a huge Marvel fan, I have a few things around the house that have the “I am mighty!” quote on them…including the license plate of my car. To become part of a community and program that is entitled Mighty Health? It’s like a sign! Thanks to this collaboration, I now have several pieces of Mighty Health gear to wear in my workouts. They sent me a super-soft fleece hoody, a really comfortable sports bra (and ladies, we ALL know that it can be hard to find a comfortable one that we can still put on and take off when we’re a little stiff or sore), a pair of workout shorts and yoga pants/leggings.

Ladies, you know how hard it is to find a good sports bra, and men, you’ll never understand the torture that it can be to get that tight, lycra thing on and then peel it off when it’s sweaty, because you need it snug enough to do its job. Let me just say this: this is THE most comfortable sports bra I’ve ever worn. It didn’t pull my shoulders out of my sockets to put it on, it did its job, and while I’m not a super-sweaty person, it did wick away moisture so I stayed comfortable when riding my indoor bike. And that hoodie? SO soft. The bra is a large, the hoodie is also (a medium fits but I like some bagginess to things) and the shorts are a medium. Also cool: when riding my bike, I can look down and the logo is right-side up for me, reminding me that yes, I AM mighty.
There are days that working out, or getting any level of exercise, is less than appealing. Once I put on the clothes though, I feel like I’m committed. If the gear feels good to wear, I’m so much more likely to put it on. The Mighty Health app also has a Shop tab, so you can purchase your own attire and other Mighty items.
This app is AARP’s #1 health app. Given how many members AARP is, that’s saying something. And friends, don’t let that AARP word bother you — retirement doesn’t need to happen only at 67. AARP is for anyone 50 years of age and beyond. Age really is just a number, and why wouldn’t you be okay with a membership that provides resources, discounts on things you use every day, programs suited for you, and things like this Mighty Health app. It’s the first app, in fact, designed for this purpose for people over 50! I’m over the stigma of flashing that card, now that I see how much money I save on other things.
Using the app is easy! Use my affiliate link to join HERE. Download the app to your phone from that link, open and get started. Enjoy a free 7-day trial, and then decide if you want to pay monthly or annually, which offers a discount. Once you really take advantage of the perks in the app, I think you’ll want to subscribe. Get those workouts in, see what areas of your food and beverage intake need work, and learn about wellness in a holistic way. It’s a win-win.