Blender Girl Smoothies Cookbook: Stay Healthy During the Holidays

In my last post, I shared how holiday madness had set in and schedules were tight. Trying to stay healthy is even harder and I have to admit to not trying nearly as much as I should be. Those 10-12 pounds are still sitting squarely where I don’t want them to and probably won’t budge until after the holidays. I got this new Blender Girl Smoothies Cookbook just in time.

One way I can make some baby steps is by getting back to making smoothies. Made properly, they are good alternatives to meals, without the extra sugar and calories of a regular meal. I’ve been using the book, “The Blender Girl Smoothies” by Tess Masters, a self-proclaimed “blendaholic,” to inspire my creations. I was sent it by the publisher to review, but here are my real feelings on it: it’s helpful and a good addition to my cookbook shelves. It’s 244 pages of gluten-free, vegan and paleo-friendly recipes, and if you’re none of those — like me — you’ll reference it as just regular smoothie ideas to add to your regular repertoire.

blender girl smoothies

Each recipe has a detailed ingredients list and a description of the benefits of that particular recipe, in layman’s terms so you aren’t left wondering exactly why kale or radish greens can help you. Nutrition information is also included, along with a color photography and icons that help you determine if the smoothie is best for protein, energizing, immunity, weight loss, detox, etc. Overdo it at a party? There’s a smoothie for that. Tummy problems? That, too. Need to detox? That’s easy.

blender girl smoothies

One of the favorites I’ve tried is the Fruity Fun. With pineapple, coconut water and oranges — amongst a few other things — it feels more like a treat than something that’s helping my immune system or clearing toxins from my body, or making weight loss possible. Isn’t that how it should be? Taste good and do its job?

If you’re new to creating smoothies, you’ll get a quick primer on the base, the additives, and whether you want to go sweet or savory, smooth or icy, any number of combinations. Published by Ten Speed Press and available on Amazon and other online bookstores, it’s been helpful for me to get back on track to counteract the champagne or tamales or other holiday food I’m imbibing in, while not running anywhere near as much as I should be. If I can’t be as healthy as I need to be, baby steps are better than nothing!

Read more about the book at, Tess’s site. You may find it a lot easier to help drop some pounds or just get those necessary nutrients in your body in a much easier way.

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