Affordable Dog Dental Treats, Sweaters and More
Back in March, we adopted a dog from a rescue organization. She has been the sweetest addition to our family, filling a gap left by our two prior dogs with her cuddles, kisses and unconditional love. Because she’s so amazing, we spoil her. It’s easy to do because one of my favorite places to buy her dog dental treats, training equipment, dog sweaters and more is so affordable. If you haven’t shopped at Muttropolis yet, you’re missing out!
Shuri is a Golden Retriever Collie mix, so she’s got some long fur to help keep her warm. Still, we live in the foothills of Southern California where the temps can drop, making it cold for her when we take walks. We keep it pretty comfortable inside, but there are still days where a dog sweater is necessary.
Thanks to Muttropolis for sending me a gift card, because I was able to buy Shuri this adorable animal print dog sweater right before Christmas! (I’m also a Muttropolis affiliate, so any links you click here can result in a little affiliate compensation for me.) It was her first doggy sweater, so she still needs to get used to wearing it but I know she’s warmer when we get outside for exercise, and it doesn’t hurt that she looks adorable in it.

I didn’t realize until after I looked at the photo later that I caught her tongue sticking out! She has so much personality and a lot of doggy expressions, I take a lot of photos of her on any given day.
Muttropolis has a lot of great deals, including these very affordable dog dental treats. Shuri really doesn’t like when I brush her teeth, but she does love a good chew toy, so I frequently buy these kinds of products to help her keep her own teeth clean while fulfilling her need to chew. My new furniture also appreciates it, as she’s been busted chewing on a door jamb, a table leg and any shoe left within her reach.

Muttropolis frequently has sales going on, and fun themed collections of gear to buy, and if you sign up for their newsletter (on the front page), you can save 10% on your first order. Prices are already low, and you’ll get free shipping if you spend $49 or more.
Go spoil your fur baby! I love their collections of leashes and matching collars…but I wish Shuri liked pajamas, because they have such cute ones! I’m still trying to get her adjusted to wearing the sweater, she will wear it while distracted outside but inside, she has made it clear that I’m going to have to take photos of her without it.
At least I got this one, too!

Want more dog-related content? Here’s our story of bringing home a puppy, aka when we got our dog a dog.