Faking Fall in My SoCal Home With the Help of Wayfair

Faking Fall — it’s a thing, and here’s why we do it!

Fall technically starts in two days and I’m sitting here, still contemplating turning my air conditioner back on. We had a couple of weeks of 103+ temps here in SoCal, finally breaking just a week ago. Collective sighs of relief from all the a/c units in the southland were heard for miles around. It’s cooling off, slowly, but not fast enough. The main staple of our wardrobe is still shorts and all the cool boots I bought are growing dusty in my closet. We have basically two seasons here in California: hot and cold. There’s very little in-between, yet the in-between is exactly what we miss by the time September rolls around.

When Fall starts, most of us are looking with envy at the changing leaves…in other parts of the country. We’re buying lattes…while wearing flip-flops. (There is the Uggs and shorts phenomenon that occurs right about now, too, but I can’t get on that train so we won’t go there.) We start to make holiday plans, especially Halloween costumes…then we have to think: will this be too hot to wear then?

These are silly problems in the big picture of life, but problems nonetheless. We want to celebrate Fall and the start of the holiday season, but the absence of cooler weather makes it hard. This is why faking Fall is a thing! With the help of Wayfair, here are some ways I can start faking Fall in my house by using beautiful and unique autumn accents!

Autumn Accents

Palm trees don’t have colors that change so we bring the leaf decor inside. This pinecone wreath candleholder screams Fall! Extra bonus if you use a candle that is scented and/or colored.

Fall candle wreather holder

We can’t pick apples in our yards so we head up to the mountains, buy organic apples and bring them home for baking and apple butter. We make chicken soup and it’s easy to ignore how hot it is outside if we serve it in pumpkin-lidded bowls like these. I’m thinking of butternut squash soup right now!

faking fall

We use seasonal essential oils — like cinnamon and pine — to make it smell like Fall.  This aromatherapy diffuser can be used all year long. (You can even buy essential oils at Wayfair along with it!)

faking Fall

Then there’s the decor. Pillows, mantel arrangements, different blankets on the couch…though they’re rarely used. Fake it ’til you make it, right? This pillow is all things autumn.

Put that on the same couch as this autumn throw blanket and no one will want to get up! It’s the perfect Fall colors that will go basically with any color scheme you currently have going on in your family room or formal living room.

faking Fall

Drape this pumpkin, gourd, pinecone and leaf garland atop your fireplace….

faking Fall

…and bring in the romantic ambiance of Fall with this wrought iron candle holder. You could even drape other leaf garlands in and around the candelabra base for an extra pop of Fall color.

faking Fall

Kitchenware is one of my favorite ways to decorate for any holiday. Seasonally-colored bakeware, mugs and servingware can really add the punch you need, mixed with the scents, to fool you into feeling like you’re smack dab in the middle of cooler weather. Display your appetizers on this gorgeous autumn platter….

faking Fall….then serve them on these adorable individual serving leaf appetizer plates! I love the colors of these! They come in a four-pack and would look so cute at a Fall open house.

faking FallNow we just have to close our eyes, pretend we’re wearing our bulky sweaters, socks and those awesome new spiked heel boots we just had to have! Thanks, Wayfair, for the inspiration and helping me get my house ready for Fall, even if the temperatures outside say otherwise!

You can find all of the products listed on this page via the links I’ve shared above or head on over to Wayfair.com and do your own hunting. Happy Fall shopping!

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