MIXIMLOVE, Valentine’s Day and Greek Yogurt!

What did you do on Valentine’s Day? I went to the Love Boat!

ehrman mixim logo

I know, you’re thinking about the old TV show and wondering what wine I’m sampling, but it’s true – I went to the Love Boat! I was invited by MIXIM and Ehrmann USA to go to the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California, and attend the #MIXIMLOVE event.

MIXIM Love Boat

**Disclaimer: My entire evening was free-of-charge and this is a sponsored post, but the writing and photos are my own.**

MIXIM and Ehrmann USA are the names behind a fantastic high-end Greek yogurt, the only kind out there packaged with two mix-ins. The varieties were endless: Greek yogurt with almonds and honey, Greek Yogurt with coconut and mango and almonds, Greek yogurt with pomegranate…and so forth.

MIXIM greek yogurt

Isn’t the heart-shaped container cute, especially in this pink lighting?

MIXIM VIP lounge

Let me just say, before I wax on any further about how good the yogurt is, MIXIM knows how to throw a party. The boat was a relaxing, hip shade of pink, with wandering and dangling MIXIM lighted-balloons and MIXIM heart-shaped projections all over the outside of the boat, even on the dome next door that used to house the Spruce Goose.

me and mixim balloons

We were guests in the VIP lounge,  a plush white bar bathed in pink lighting all throughout, with a spread of food that included caviar, salmon, endives, cheese galore, a pasta bar and cupcakes that even had me, the cupcake baker, eating the whole thing.


The tables were covered in rose petals and glowing candles, with views of the gorgeous harbor lights and sparkling Pacific ocean. Outside, we were able to wander the decks, sample more yogurt, and mingle. And we got to take part in a new world-record, officiated by the Guinness Book of World Records! We can now brag that we are one of the 400+ people who participated in the “Most Couples Feeding Each Other Simultaneously” achievement.

guinness book of world records

Pretty cool! (We all scored vivid pink MIXIM t-shirts for the event. I can’t wait to see pictures of this pink boat with pink lights and a sea of people dressed in pink, all with spoons in their mouths at the same time!)

miximlove table

Throughout the evening, we were encouraged to share photos hashtagged with #MIXIMLOVE. Each time we did so, $1 went to the Children’s Heart Foundation, which was the charity of the evening. No child should ever suffer through a serious or chronic health issue, and MIXIM/Ehrmann USA donated over $20,000 on Friday night to help, thanks to their generosity and everyone’s tweets.

miximlove booth

Later, we were treated to a Journey cover band, “Don’t Stop Believin’,” or DSB. They were so good! We love Journey (who doesn’t?) so we rocked out as they played a long list of greatest hits, while enjoying some nice wine and Grey Goose and Cranberry Juice drinks, and it was capped off by a long display of fireworks over the end of the boat. Such a fun evening!

don't stop believin'

Back to the yogurt. MIXIM is available in markets all over and with so many flavor combos available, you can easily get through a couple of weeks of breakfasts or work lunches without repeating. The consistency is smooth, the flavor of the Greek yogurt itself is perfectly tangy and creamy, and the mix-ins are unique, not something you’ll see with other yogurts. I loved that each one had mix-ins with textures, not just a fruit or preserve, but a crunch. You feel like you’re eating, not just eating, know what I mean? (I think crunching on your food adds to the activity level, making it not as passive but more of an activity that signals your brain “I’m eating. I will be full soon.” You are involved in eating, not just shoveling it into your mouth and mindlessly going for another bite, as you’re forced to take more time to enjoy the food, and it gives your stomach more time to feel full. Perfect for when you’re trying to practice portion-control, and with MIXIM’s portions being already decided for you, you don’t go away hungry or having eaten too much sugar and high-caloric non-nutritive ingredients.)

Ehrmann-AG, the parent company, has been in the yogurt business for over 100 years – it’s all they’ve ever done, so they know their stuff. All their products are made using modern manufacturing techniques and come from three-generations of yogurt-making experience. All products are made as unprocessed as possible, using fresh cow milk from local farms and the freshest, highest quality fruits and ingredients, in a dairy in Casa Grande, Arizona.

Just because Valentine’s Day is behind us doesn’t mean the fun is — the #MIXIMLOVE sweepstakes is in full swing through March 14! Visit the Facebook app here for more information, but upload a picture or video Instagram, Twitter or Vine with the hashtag #MIXIMLOVE and be entered for a chance to win an iPad Air and $1000 in gift cards! <THIS CONTEST IS OVER!>

#MIXIMLOVE fireworks

Hope you all had a happy Valentine’s Day!

fireworks heart

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