Our Summer Fun at Knott’s Berry Farm

Who loves Knott’s?? This family! Having lived in the OC from the age of 12 and up, I spent a lot of time at Knott’s as I literally lived less than a mile away for years. As a mom, I’m so glad to be able to share this tradition with my kids.  The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them.  I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.

We arrived at the social media event at about 8:15am on Saturday morning. We were greeted by a very friendly staff of people who guided us towards Camp Snoopy’s Grizzly Lodge, where the characters waited at the door for us for photos.

summer fun at Knott's Berry FarmSnoopy and Woodstock, we love you!

Then it was breakfast time! So many things to choose from, we didn’t know where to start.

boysenberry butter and biscuitsDon’t you just want to grab that bowl of boysenberry butter??

me with biscuitsSo I did.

charlie brown and lucyMy two younger kids with Charlie Brown and Lucy

After a very filling buffet, with my personal favorite being the boysenberry-butter and biscuits (o m g yum) we were on our way to explore Camp Snoopy. There are three new rides: Mud Buggies, Linus Launcher and Kite Flyer. I loved listening to the giggling of kids as they got off the rides and told their parents how fun it was. Here are my own trying out Linus Launcher — I sort of wish I’d tried it, too!

linus launcherLinus Launcher!


Check out the details in Camp Snoopy above one of the stores.


Inside the waterfalls!

There are also several photo opp scenes out of the Peanuts cartoons. We had so much fun in this section!

the doctor is in

Next up? Sidewinder, a favorite of ours since it spins while rolling all over the place. Got us moving! Then off to our personal favorite, Xcelerator. Me, being the cool mom that I am (hahaha) I agreed to ride in the front row with my daughter. Craziness, but what a view for the 1.5 seconds I had my eyes open at the top, right before we plunged straight down into oblivion. So much fun!


Off to see the newly renovated Calico Mine Ride. It opened originally in 1960 and was the first animatronic of its kind. It’s still one-of-a-kind and we loved it!

Calico Mine RideCalico Mine Ride

supreme screamSupreme Scream!

Silver BulletSilver Bullet!

Lots of rides that day, and a lot of food. The boysenberry-filled churro was so good! If I hadn’t been headed over to see Snoopy Unleashed, I probably would have finished it and gotten back in line at the ice creamery right next to the Churro Factory — boysenberry soft-serve ice cream!

boysenberry filled churro

Speaking of Snoopy Unleashed, so cute!! It was our first Knott’s ice show as a family. (It was so strange telling the kids how I’d been in that building when I was younger than some of them!) The show was not just a nice respite from the heat but it was truly entertaining. Snoopy is brilliant, as always…if you can’t enjoy Snoopy, you need to eat more churros, he’s always fun. And the talent of the ice skaters was fun to watch! Lots of spins, cool lighting, scenery changes, fun music and then there were the ladies hanging from the ceiling in scary but beautiful ways. Loved it!

Snoopy UnleashedSnoopy Unleashed!

After the show, we decided we were hungry…again. (Already?) We went over to the Calico Fry Co. and indulged on some crazy fry combos — these would be dangerous if I went often, I can easily enjoy these as frequently as anything boysenberry.

Calico FriesWithout trying, we each ordered something different. Don’t those look good?

A couple more rides, including a repeat of Xcelerator (no first row for me that time though) and off for dinner to the Grizzly Lodge, where my little guy proceeded to quickly fall asleep. He pronounced himself done, so we headed out. By the time we got home, we’d been gone over 12 hours and the pups were missing us. Little Dude took his sandwich plate home with him and I didn’t have to cook dinner at all!

sleeping kids

Shhh, don’t tell them I took this on the way home!

Thank you, GigaSavvy and Knott’s, for a wonderful day! You truly thought of everything and we explored the park that day in ways we haven’t done recently, even getting on Bigfoot Rapids since we figured we’d dry in five minutes. Such a great time and we can’t wait to come back!

Want to get a quick synopsis of Camp Snoopy to show your family? Check out this Kidscast video and then head to Knott’s so you can try the new rides and shows enjoy #KnottsSummer fun, too!




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