Thor: Ragnarok Humor Is All I Expected and More!
I’ll admit, when I first heard a while back that Chris Hemsworth had mentioned he’d like more humor in his next Thor movie, I tilted my head and went “hmmmmm.” I wasn’t sure about it. I wasn’t convinced that Thor needed to be funny…or funnier. I’ve always liked the one-liners and funny blips — like Thor hanging his hammer up in Jane’s apartment and appearing to be jealous about the other guy calling her — but I wasn’t convinced that Thor: Ragnarok humor was going to be appropriate.
I mean, Ragnarok is the end, the doom of the gods. Boom. It’s over. Ragnarok isn’t just another cosmic battle, but THE cosmic battle. Could it really be funny?
Enter Taika Waititi, the director of Thor: Ragnarok, genius and creative mind beyond compare. Taika did it. He made Thor: Ragnarok funny while still holding true to the core meaning: destruction and change forevermore.
Not only is there plenty of Thor: Ragnarok humor, but the cast is another stellar compilation of talent bringing in new members to the MCU, like Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson and Cate Blanchett. (If you asked me ANY movie franchise I’d most want to be a part of, Marvel, without a doubt.)

Taika, and Producer Kevin Feige, bring to life the growing and still evolving relationship between Thor and Loki in a way that makes one love Loki even more. He’s the villain you can’t really hate. When I see Loki, I still see the broken and straggly mess he was after he learned Frigga had died. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor knows what he’s dealing with: Loki still can’t get beyond his past, while Thor has accepted it and therefore, accepts Loki for what he is. This seems to be a landmark moment for Loki, in addition to a scene between Odin and Loki — you need to see the movie to learn more than the fact that Loki becomes aware of something that was right in front of him all of his life.

If you’re into Marvel for action, this movie will not leave you disappointed. The planet Sakar is one strange place, and Jeff Goldblum (Grandmaster), with his sidekick, Rachel House (Topaz) rules it with an eccentricity that Jeff rules from minute one. Just stay away from the staff, as Topaz seems to like to wield its power a little too much.

One favorite scene in the movie is between Hulk, who now speaks, and Thor. Hulk, as the trailer shows, is still unaware of his past as Banner, and Thor is trying to turn him into a willing member of the “Revengers.” Hulk’s having none of it. The interplay between these two, one like raging fire, one like smoldering fire, is hilarious while making you want to hurry Hulk’s memories and lack of big giant green-ness for at least a little while. When it finally happens, Banner has to be convinced of Thor’s goals and it’s very fun to watch.

Thor: Ragnarok humor doesn’t end there. Tessa Thompson’s character of a valkyrie is a surprise, as she is admittedly a rebel with a bit of a drinking problem…or is it? Seeing Thor’s growing interest helps you forget that Jane’s not around. The playfulness is cute; watch out for the line “Did you see that?”

The movie was a blast to watch. We laughed, we were sad and we were amazed at the special effects and the whole Hela bit. Cate Blanchett does quite the job of playing a very scary villain who is stronger than Thor…and would have thought that could happen? The breaking of the hammer, as seen in the trailer, is just the beginning. Wait till you hear about the beginning of Hela’s descent into evil. If you don’t know who she is, wow, you’re in for another surprise!

Ladies, that picture is for you. It may or may not be the background on my laptop. My phone. My iPad……you’re welcome.
Enjoy the movie. It’s a great date night and while there are a few curse words in there, more than other Marvel movies (outside of Deadpool), they aren’t bad. I’d still take a younger child that’s able to handle some fight scenes. I can’t wait to go back this weekend with the kids!