Ultimate Booty Workouts: 12 Weeks to a Sexy Butt!

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been trying to get back into our fitness routine. Some days we’re more successful than others, with this last week being a bad one as the cold bug hit the house and exacerbated my sinus issues. Still, working out is a priority and the more I sit, the more my muscles just start to … gel.

**Disclaimer: I was provided a complimentary copy of Ultimate Booty Workouts for the purposes of this review but the opinions and photos are my own.**

ultimate booty workouts

And the back cover..

ultimate booty workouts book

Because my daughters are trying to get in shape too (one is going to be a bride in May of next year and the other is the Maid-of-Honor) I enlist their help when it comes to reviewing some of the health and fitness products I receive. My 19-year-old daughter was excited about Ultimate Booty Workouts, and she volunteered to be the model! <Kudos to her for being brave!> Who doesn’t want a sexy butt, right?

The Ultimate Booty Workouts book, “Exercises to Build, Lift and Sculpt an Amazing Butt,” is written by Tamara Grand and published by Ulysses Press. Its goal is to help you build a sexy backside, and while we haven’t finished the entire program (we started in January then had to stop but now it’s GAME ON) I can see how it will do it, if we follow the program!

The book promises to help:

  • Accelerate fat loss
  • Improve posture
  • Decrease back, hip and knee pain
  • Tighten and flatten abs

All of that sounds good, right? But be ready to work for it! The Ultimate Body Workouts is a 12-week, progressive resistance-training program that targets the muscles of the legs, butt and lower back.  The program can be used on its own or with your current routine. This was good for me to read as I love yoga and am doing it more frequently lately, but I also like other cardio dance routines and running. For me, I’ve found that I lose weight most quickly, and maintain my weight loss and interest in working out by rotating exercises and changing it up, frequently.

The book is divided into five sections.

Part 1 discusses the benefits of glutes training, and gets you ready for the movements you’ll be doing during the 12 weeks, along with answering questions about strength training and nutrition.

Part 2 details the 12 weeks and outlines its three four-week phases: Setting the Foundation, Building Muscle, and Leaning and Cutting. Terminology is broken down into layman’s terms and how to combine it with your existing exercise schedule is explained.

Part 3 describes and demonstrates the exercises in detail and offers advanced options.

Part 4 discusses the elements of a good warm-up, and gives an introduction to foam rolling. There is also an appendix that provides workout templates for each of the three phases. This was a big help to us, a very simple checklist, so to speak.

Right now, we’re in Phase 1, which is basically setting the foundation, where you start with a 5-10 minute warmup, do some exercises (listed out for you to follow) and then do a foam-rolling workout to complete the workout. Easy enough, right?

Below are some photos of DD doing exercises for Phase 1. We do 12-15 reps and 2-3 sets with 30 -60 seconds of rest in between.  We are doing it 1-3 times per week, max, with at least 1 day of lower-body rest between workouts. According to the book, many clients see significant improvement in this phase without performing any other cardio training at all. Impressive, right? You just need to be sure to follow up the workouts to stretch the muscles you’ve just pushed. As the exercise gets easier, you add in the advance options to make it more challenging, so you can really fine-tune the exercises to best fit your fitness level and needs. Four weeks on Phase 1 and you should be ready for Phase 2, but if not, then you do it another week. Again, more options for you as you know your body best!


This is the Forearm Plank on Toes. (Not so easy!)

glutes bridge

This is the Basic Glute Bridge.


This is the Goblet Squat.

ultimate booty workouts

Bodyweight Squat, with the dumbbell variation to add a little challenge.

hamstring curl on ball

This is the Single-Leg Hamstring Curl on the Ball. Probably the hardest exercise in this phase! Really gotta hold yourself tight to prevent the ball from rolling.

stationery lunge

And this is the Stationery Lunge.

Not too bad, right?

You can do this! The book is easily found at Amazon and other retailers and is a lot cheaper than a gym membership! If we can do this, YOU can do this. Give it a shot  — we’ll update in another six weeks or so with our progress, and if I’m brave enough, I’ll include some photos of me in the exercises as well. <GULP>

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  1. What a fun fitness activity to share with your daughter!
    I’m looking forward to watching both of your progress. Thanks for sharing my book with your readers! ~ Tamara

    1. You’re very welcome! I’m so glad you came to visit my site and I hope to see you again! We’ll definitely continue to take pictures along the way and thank you for helping us be three ‘hotties’ for the wedding!

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