Waterproof Clothing Labels to Last for Clothes and Holiday Storage
Do you have a family member who is a long-term care facility or residential home? Or a child going away to a camp where you won’t be there to ensure their belongings get back to them, or you need holiday storage organization help? These Labels to Last will solve that problem affordably and easily!

Waterproof Clothing Labels for What?
People who are hospitalized or in a healthcare institution of any sort for a long period of time usually end up wearing some of their own clothings, or pajamas. They also prefer their own blankets, pillow cases and other things that make their stay comfortable while personalizing their room. But, if there are spills or a lot of use, the items may get mixed up in the wash. This means there’s a good chance they won’t end up with their proper owner and they will need to be replaced. Same thing when kids travel over the holidays — they want to feel safe and secure on the plane, in a hotel or while staying at Grammy’s house, and having their own things make such a big difference.

If the sounds like something you could use, or your child is just great at losing things, head over to the Labels to Last website and put in an order! These labels are iron-in, waterproof and you can customize them with your loved one’s first or full name. Pick colors, styles, you name it, order a set today and use code LABELED20 to save 20% on your first Labels to Last order!

When my older son was in school, he’d lose so many things. One day it would be his lunchbox, the next day it was his favorite hoody. Day after that, his PE shirt and the day following, his new lunchbox. He hated having his name written on tags for people to see if it flipped out of his shirt, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Clothes and lunchboxes can get expensive! I wish I’d had Labels to Last back then, it would have saved me SO MUCH MONEY.
Take a peek today and see if there are any ways you need to use waterproof clothing labels. I’m going to put one on the blanket we’re taking to my mother-in-law, who has been in the hospital for quite some time. She’s in a wonderful place, but I want to be sure this plush blanket goes home with her when she’s discharged. These labels can help us be assured that’ll happen!

One other way to put these to good use is to label those holiday decoration boxes! Every year, we add a new container to our holiday storage shelves, and I forget what gets put in what box. No more of that, I’m going to be slapping on Labels to Last on everything…including the cloth wreath containers, which are basically pillow cases for the wreaths that allow you to zip them up before you put them into something more sturdy to protect their shape. I have several wreaths now, and being able to know which one to send the hubs out there to find would be such a time saver…and he’ll appreciate it, too!
Happy holidays to you all! Give these waterproof clothing labels a shot and let me know what you think!
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