Zootopia by Disney Comes Out March 4!
Zootopia…it’s about dreams and life. We all have dreams. We think about what we want to do with our lives and idealize it, making it so very big in our heads while we continue to do all we can to achieve the dream. Once that happens, we’re thrilled, excited and we run towards it full speed.
Then we get there. Sometimes it’s all you dreamed it would be, and more — but others, you arrive and time stops. You look around and realize it’s not at all what you hoped it would be. Your dream, so big and beautiful in your head, is dissolving as you realize you have focused your entire life on this very moment and now you’re wondering if you made the right move. Regret, sadness and maybe even some homesickness for your old life roll around in your head and you’re left with two possibilities: give up and go home, or make it work. Giving up can be easy, or it can mean showing others that you didn’t achieve what you’d told everyone you would, so you attempt to make it work…and then you find out that your dream may not be exactly what you thought — in fact, it’s better.
This is kind of what Officer Jody Hopps experiences when she leaves her home and travels to the Metropolis of Zootopia, a world where humans don’t even exist, so the world is entirely crafted around the needs of each animal species, from deserts to ice to small doors and food options of all sizes and tastes. She has waited her whole life for this moment, but she has to pretend it’s better until she makes her mark on the world and the reality meets her dreams. With her tenacity, a new relationship with a sneaky fox and empowering detective skills, Judy creates her new reality and helps Zootopia in the process.

Zootopia is an uplifting movie about blooming where you are planted, about rising above challenges and finding out who you really are — and then making the most of it and your differences. We’re all unique and as a result, can do unique things. Behind the colorful, fun boroughs of Zootopia, the individual animals (that are all heavily researched in pre-production so they are as real as an animation can be) and the music – -with the theme song sung by Shakira — there’s a message for everyone: be yourself and you can succeed with your dreams.

Read my earlier Zootopia post about the making of the movie itself, and then get your calendar out to plan seeing Zootopia once it hits the theaters on February 10th. Voiced by big names, including Ginnifer Goodwin and Justin Bateman, you’ll be amazed at the realistic details and humor injected into this huge undertaking. You will believe in Zootopia’s existence and want to visit it, too!
Until the movie comes out, watch the two trailers down below — the first one’s an overview, and the second is the infamous sloths in the DMV scene, probably my favorite scene in the movie.

After watching, you’ll never view the DMV the same way again!
“Wait. They’re ALL sloths???”
I had the fun opportunity to attend the Tujunga campus to visit all the various departments that came together for Zootopia. Read more about that here. What a fun environment! Wouldn’t it be cool to work in a place like this?