Tully: A Movie for Moms to See This Mother’s Day
Every mom, at some point in her life, had a moment where she wondered about losing herself. Am I just a mom now? Is my whole life just about the kids? Who am I?
Some of us experience it in the middle of the night, when we’re up feeding the baby, tired, head drooping, wondering when we’ll get to sleep more than a few hours straight.
Others may feel it when rushing around early in the morning, drinking cold coffee, wiping spit-up off our shoulder and cramming peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a lunchbox…then heading out the door to school drop-off, remembering those lunchboxes sitting on the kitchen counter.
Me, I remember having one of those moments just a few years ago, when my youngest started needing me less as he was in middle school. I have been a mom for 29 years now and when someone would ask me what I did, I’d say “I’m a Mom.” Being a mom is quite a feat, and not to be undervalued, but I’m also so much more. It hit me that day that I needed to always be sure I had more going on. I wanted to be sure I didn’t lose myself, that I didn’t forget me, that I still did what I liked to do. Since then, my biggest advice to new or young moms?
Be YOU still. Don’t just cook what everyone else likes, but cook for you. Go see a movie you like. Buy stuff for a hobby you like. Read a book for yourself, not just for the kids or for work. Maybe join a book club even. Think about what it is that YOU like to do, and start doing it!
Charlize Theron does a spectacular job in Tully, by Focus Features and out in theaters now. Her character feels overwhelmed and lost in the myriad of mom things, and along comes a surprise nanny to help her get some sleep and start getting her groove back. What mom wouldn’t like that, right?
Have you seen the trailer?
Tully is out in theaters now and makes for a fun evening away! Let me know what you think!

- Director: Jason Reitman (“Juno,” “Up in the Air,” “Young Adult”)
- Writer: Diablo Cody (“Juno,” “Young Adult”)
- Cast: Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Mark Duplass, and Ron Livingston