Ranch to Table Wagyu Beef Delivery for Your Holiday Meals
Since early 2020, we all learned the joy of opening the front door and finding your groceries on the front porch. Fast-forward to late-2022, and we’re still doing it…less out of necessity and more out of convenience. It not only helps us save time, but it opened up doors to getting new items delivered, things we didn’t necessarily think about before. Like beef. Who knew it was so easy to get ranch to table Wagyu beef delivery?
Thanks to Snake River Farms, who sent me a big complimentary box of quality Wagyu beef, now we can’t go back to regular beef from the market.

Snake River Farms (which is an affiliate link, like most on this page) came up with a genius plan: safely and humanely raise beef cows on an 80,000 acre ranch in the Cascades. Through meticulous genetics, they’ve created the finest Wagyu breeding program in the United States. They even utilize designs created by the incredible Dr. Temple Grandin, the animal behaviorist credited with developing a cattle chute that enhanced efficiency on ranches while also helping cows be calmer.
Click the image below to check the latest deals to get your own American Wagyu Beef delivery for less!
The whole process is true ranch to table, as they own their own feed yards and processing plant, so they can ensure the quality of the beef from start to finish. And once you try a bite of their Wagyu beef, you’ll be able to see the difference.

Our Wagyu beef delivery arrived last week, in a cold box with dry ice to ensure all the meat stayed frozen. Inside the box, the various meats are in one big bag, which you can easily lift out and place directly into your freezer…after you take it all out and ogle it as you decide exactly what you will do with each piece. (Or if you have a serious meat loving kid standing next to you, they’ll give you their ideas.)
Every single item in our bag was frozen solid, and a big bonus is that the pieces are individually wrapped. Snake River Farms’ Wagyu beef delivery system works for individuals and families; whether you’re cooking for one person or a whole family, you thaw just what you need.
The first thing we cooked was the filet mignons. They were incredible. Check out this sizzle. <Volume up. Trust me.>
Even if you don’t like them rare, like we do, they don’t take that long to cook, so have the rest of your meal prepared. (Always check temps any time you cook meat, just to be safe.)

My husband used to cook in restaurants, so he’s familiar with various ways to prepare beef. With quality red meat though, you don’t want to mask its natural flavors. A proper cook or sear, some basic seasonings and some butter, and you’re good to go. He chose to prepare the filets in a hot Hexclad pan, slightly butter-poached, with mild seasonings.

There were no words for a few minutes as everyone cut into their serving. And the next words were “can I have more?”

They were perfection.
The beauty of cooking with Wagyu beef is that you don’t need to do much with your sides. Go basic. Go easy. Let the meat be the star of the plate. We roasted fresh asparagus and made some garlicky mashed potatoes. So simple, so delicious. (We also had a pescatarian with us, and we each took a couple of her shrimp.)
Getting your own Wagyu beef delivery is simple. Head over to the Snake River Farms website. You can purchase items on their own, but check out these holiday packages and gifts! Choose your box size, choose your frequency, and how long you want to continue. (For example, you can select a large box to be delivered every three months for a year or every month for three months and all options in between. The choice is yours.)
Shipping is free and the product is shipped the first Thursday of every month, so you can plan somewhat on its arrival to be sure someone is home and you can set up your menus. If you need ideas on what to do with your products, recipes are available on the website.
Save 10% on anything you buy by using discount code DANGERCUPCAKE when you check out!
If you’re not a red meat eater, or are unable to, they also have Kurobuta pork available — ham, bacon, roasts, etc. They have it all. (I’ve got my eye on the hams.)
Head over to their website and take a peek. You may get inspired to knock out some Christmas gifts and have less to worry about this shopping season. And let me know if you try the bacon!