Starting the New Year Right with Yoplait Greek 100 Calorie Yogurts!

Today’s post is sponsored by Yoplait, by my love for their Greek 100 yogurt option is all my own! (Tough job, getting to try delicious food like Yoplait Greek 100 yogurts, right??)

Yoplait Greek 100

I posted a couple of weeks ago about how I don’t do resolutions. That doesn’t mean though that I don’t plan to start the new year off right and refresh my healthy living plans now that the holiday dinners and events are behind us. Last week, I was back on track with running, yoga, pilates and weight lifting. I also went back to my healthy breakfast routine, which actually was harder!

My normal morning routine is get up, do chores, get Little Dude out the door to school, run, shower and get to work. If I stay on task, it all comes together nicely and I get to start work knowing the house is in order, the family is all where they should be and I have done something for myself. (I also feel relieved to have the exercise behind me so I can stay motivated to eat properly all day. I never want to undo a good thing!)

I usually eat breakfast at my desk, and since I have so many other things to do, breakfast can’t be a long, drawn out or tedious affair. It’s frequently a smoothie, where I literally dump a few ingredients into the Vitamix and go about my day. My smoothies usually include unsweetened almond milk, Greek yogurt, kale, banana, peanut butter, green apple and/or berries. I try to mix up the combinations while still getting the most benefits and flavor.

But, as much as I love smoothies and their health benefits, I get bored easily and want to mix it up. Still though, it has to be fast and easy so when I was given the opportunity to try the new Yoplait Greek 100 yogurts, I jumped at it. I headed out to the local Safeway/Vons and bought 10 containers. There are so many flavors! Apple pie, banana caramel, black cherry, blackberry pie, Boston cream pie, coconut, honey, key lime, lemon, mango, mixed berry, orange cream, peach, pineapple, plain, raspberry, strawberry, strawberry cheesecake and vanilla.

Each yogurt has 100 calories, 10-12 grams protein and 0% fat. And all I have to do is grab a spoon and head to my desk. Perfect! I won’t get bored with all these flavors, and if I want to get creative and start adding toppings to mix in, I can do even more. I could even put a container in a smoothie!

As soon as I brought them home, my youngest son wanted one. I gave him a strawberry flavor and he quickly at the whole thing…at his desk, hence the lighting. Like mother, like son.

Yoplait Greek 100

He loves yogurt and since we’re a healthy household, he knows the health benefits to eating yogurt. At 14, he’s into weight-lifting and getting “rockhard abs,” so he seeks out foods that will help and he knows calcium is good for his bones. No struggling to get him to eat the right things when it tastes as good as these Greek 100 yogurts! They are the perfect snack for after school or before Tae Kwon Do.

Yoplait Greek 100

I tried the Blackberry Pie right away. So good! I had some strawberries left over from Saturday’s birthday party and grabbed a few of them as dippers. You can’t go wrong dipping fruit in yogurt and I think all of the Yoplait Greek 100 flavors lend themselves to this. I could add in all sorts of things to make new taste combinations and textures and keep us all on our healthy routine.

yoplait greek 100

As a working mom, business owner and blogger, I’m frequently on the run. I love to have choices of things to grab and throw into my bag for a between-meal boost, and Greek 100 yogurts are easy. (Is it bad to admit I usually have plastic spoons in the glove box of my car? If it is, then I don’t….)

Things like this make it easy for me to stay on track without excuses. The yogurts are affordable, the perfect size and with so many flavors, the entire family will find something they like. In fact, I may have to tell people what flavors I want, as in HANDS OFF!

What is your favorite way to eat yogurt and how would you mix it up with Yoplait Greek 100 yogurts? Visit Yoplait’s Pinterest 150 calorie snack hack board to get some ideas! Let me know what you try and anything else you come up with!

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